Selected List of Published Papers

1. Banking supervision in Poland, Discussion of possible solutions, edu-Libri, 2017.

The publication is based on the doctoral dissertation awarded in the 6th edition of the Competition for the Award of the President of the National Bank of Poland for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of economic sciences.

2. The organization of the banking supervision models – transformation in selected European countries, JoMS, WSGE, 2016.

3. Process management in a local bank – a practical process model, JoMS, WSGE, 2015.

4. The banking product in supervisory regulations - formal and legal aspects of creating a banking product, JoMS, WSGE, 2014.

5. Internal audit functions in local government units on the background of experience in the banking sector - selected legal aspects, Bezpieczeństwo Informacji Państwa i Biznesu, WSGE, 2014, as co-author.  

6. Service Level Management (SLM®), series of publications. 

7. Total Cost of Ownership, series of publications.

8. The acquisition cost of the IT system,, 2010. 

9. IT cost management,, 2010. 

10. Practical aspects of TCO, Business Excellence Institute, 2008. 

11. Systematic abc-book, author's review of the models used in IT Management, IDG, 2007.

12. Management of the quality of IT Services, Business Excellence Institute, 2007.

13. Basic structure of the SLA, Business Excellence Institute, 2006.